These photographs sent to me by Jim Ladwig. His father, Harold, owned this plane. (Jim Ladwig Archives)
N635V Serial Number 1018
N636V Serial Number 1019
This registration number was issued to a CR-2 serial 3002. Curtiss is issued a series of registration numbers, and they can issue them to a variety of models as they come down their individual production line. This CR-2 was equipped with a 100 horsepower Kinner.
Last registered date 09/19/1932. I would assume that this is not a build date. Registration was cancelled on January 7, 1933. The last registration was in Gallup, New Mexico.
In a message on a business card to Jim Ladwig from Herman J. Koplin Lombard Illinois, “Mr. Ladwig, My son mentioned your Jr. and my old Jr. sold in 1946 to a fellow in the Dakotas. If my memory my serial number #1031. Would like to talk with you.”
Registration was cancelled 09/01/1939 while registered to Louise A. Chamberlain in East Orange, New Jersey.
The photograph and the following information was received from Alex Davidson:
“I got into historical research on the beginning of the (Curtiss) Essex airport Caldwell NJ (KCDW). In the process I have collected some of the Curtiss-Wright Review Magazines.”
“The attached is a photo of one in front of the first hangar at Caldwell. It is either a 31 or 32 photo. The Curtiss- Wright Flying Service closed up in the fall of 32 and the sign, on the hangar, was removed. It was then called Caldwell Wright Airport.”
There is a written note on a 09/16/40 FAA document that this aircraft (N670V) was assigned N671V on 3/10/82. It now operates as N671V Serial Number 1052.
N671V Serial Number 1053
On 03/10/82 Registration Number N671V is assigned to N670V Serial Number 1052. (See N670V above)
N672V Serial Number 1054
It appears this photograph was taken at a Curtiss Wright facility.
Paperwork shows that it is powered by Lycoming 0-145
N697V Serial Number 1079
N698V (X-BAEN) Serial Number 1080
Registration listed on Mexico Air Communications List dated November 30. 1931. Registration Number X-BAEN. It was registered to Dr. Alfred F. Bishop in Mexico 02/10/36.