I wish to create a website dedicated to the Curtis Wright Junior CW-1 aircraft. My attraction to the Junior started in my youth when I saw a Junior at the Whiteside County Airport in Rock Falls, Illinois (pictured below) local airport fly-in. I got a job at that local airport during high school and went to mechanics school at Spartan School of Aeronautics. Upon graduation, I returned to my local area and got a job as a mechanic. Guess what airplane was based there? The same Curtiss Wright Junior. I finally got a ride in it on a cool spring morning (It flew, so we weren’t over gross, right?), and it is a flight that I will never forget. Whenever I could see a Junior in person or read an article about one, I jumped at the opportunity.
Unfortunately, my aviation career has taken me far from the Junior, but I want to use this site to reconnect and make up for all those years.
I want to take the opportunity to converse with all the Junior owners and flyers. I would like to hear and record all the flying stories and tales. I would like to see all the pictures. I offer this website as a place to meet and share the “good old times” together.
Please drop me a note, send me some pictures, and tell me the story of your involvement. I will include them here (only if you want) and have them available for all to enjoy. Just email me: randy@curtisswrightjunior.com.
I just wanted to let you know that there’s enough about me. Let me hear from you.