📌The next aircraft that I have information on is N661V, Serial Number 1043.
The photograph and the following information was received from Alex Davidson:
“I got into historical research on the beginning of the (Curtiss) Essex airport Caldwell NJ (KCDW). In the process I have collected some of the Curtiss-Wright Review Magazines.”
The attached is a photo of one in front of the first hangar at Caldwell. It is either a 31 or 32 photo. The Curtiss- Wright Flying Service closed up in the fall of 32 and the sign, on the hangar, was removed. It was then called Caldwell Wright Airport.”
The aircraft was manufactured March 31, 1931. As I understand, this photograph is on display at the Caldwell New Jersey Airport. Registration was cancelled September 1, 1939. More information can be found by selecting “All Aircraft” dropdown above, and select N661V.