N11851 thru N12305



N11851  Serial Number 1225

This fuselage serial number was used on the repair of N11817.  No further information.

N11852  Serial Number 1226

Plane crashed Hardensburg, Indiana. (George Copland Archive) 

N11853    Serial Number 1227

4/14/41 plane crashed while registered to Henry Boyd Milligan in Beeville, Texas. (George Copland Archives)  

N11854    Serial Number 1228

Last registered to KD’s Lunchroom, Wilmont, South Dakota. 

N11855    Serial Number 1229

10/16/34 Airworthiness cancelled due to accident.  Registered to Jack E. Weilner in El Paso, Texas. 

N11856   Serial Number 1230

041/13/33 washed out while registered to Reading Airways, Reading, Pennsylvania.  (George Copland Archive) 

N11857   Serial Number 1231

Last registered to Chet E. Brown, Warren, Minnesota.  

N11858   Serial Number 1232

07/29/36 accident (storm) while registered to JR Hudgins and Dennis and JE Beasley in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  (George Copeland Archives)

N11859   Serial Number 1233

7/15/33 license expired salvaged while registered to Reading Aero Club in Reading, Pennsylvania. 

N11860   Serial Number 1234

10/13/31 washed out while registered to Kenosha Aircraft in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  (George Copland Archives)  

N11865   Serial Number 1235

Registered 12/16/35 to HG Judkins in Marysville, Tennessee.  (George Copland Archives)  

N11866    Serial Number 1236

Last registered in Dallas Texas.  (George Copland Archive) 

N11867    Serial Number 1237

 Currently registered in Zanesville, Ohio 

N11868    Serial Number 1238

Exported to Mexico. Registration listed on Mexico Air Communications Bureau list dated 11/30/31.  

N11869    Serial Number 1239

Exported to Mexico. Registration Bureau list dated 11/30/31.  

N11870    Serial Number 1240

 06/27/37 accident while registered to Herbert Brown, Evansville, Maryland.  (George Copland Archive.) 

Under “Additional history,” you will find an article from December 1935  “Popular Aviation.” The article was written by Herbert L. Prout (the owner of this aircraft) concerning the importance of airspeed and discussing the unique airspeed indicator used in the Curtiss Wright Junior.

N11871    Serial Number 1241

Registered 08/15/39 to Louise A. Chamberlain in East Orange, New Jersey.  (George Copland Archive)  

N11872   Serial Number 1242

All Aircraft

04/15/34 accident while registered to GF Thompson and WB Waggoner in Coronado, California. (George Copland Archive)  

N11873   Serial Number 1243

7/10/1933 accident while registered to George M. Johnson in Muskegon, Michigan. (George Copland Archive)  

N11874   Serial Number 1244

08/7/33 accident while registered to Cumberland Flying Service, Clarksville, Tennessee.  (George Copland Archive)  

N11875    Serial Number 1245

9/1/37 Destroyed by fire while registered to Joseph Burrows in Washington District of Columbia. (George Copland Archive) 

N11876   Serial Number 1246

12/5/35 Registration on hold due to lack of documents.  Walter Krause, Ormsby, Minnesota.  (George Copland. Archive) 

N11877    Serial Number 1247

04/08/48 retired from service.  Registration cancelled by Orville L.Davenport , Arnold, Nebraska.  (George Copland Archive)  

FAA currently registered.

N11879   Serial Number 1249

5/1/38 license expired while registered to Henry F. Kroll in Cordova, Alaska.  (George Copland Archives) 

N11880    Serial Number 1250

Located as a rebuild project, Ragwood Refactory, Jasper, Oregon.  http://www.ragwoodrefactory.com/aircraft/

N11881    Serial Number 1251

SALE REPORTED- UPDATE TO FOLLOW >N11881 serial 1186 has been located at the Poplar Grove Airport in Northern Illinois. The fuselage has been reworked and the aircraft is now awaiting completion. The aircraft is at Taildragger Aviation. I have been in contact with Lorraine Morris and she has allowed me to use the photographs from their website. Let me HIGHLY recommend their website www.taildraggeraviation.com to get an idea of the restoration work they have completed. There seems to be a number of Cessna 140 and 150’s as well as a Spartan Executive airplane and a Spartan Travel trailer. (How many people knew that Spartan also built travel trailers. I did ’cause I went to A & P school at Spartan.) Also on their completed list is a Culver Cadet and, waiting with the Junior, an American Eaglet.

N11882    Serial Number 1252

05/27/38 washed out while registered to JL Price and VC True in Mansfield, Ohio. (George Copland Archives) 

N11883    Serial Number 1253

08/06/34 washed out Gillette, Wyoming. 

N11884    Serial Number 1254

04/25/50 scrapped while registered to Martin James Gawik and Gordon Arnold in Easton, Pennsylvania.  (George Copland Archive) 

N11885    Serial Number 1255

10/18/37 washed out while registered to Lee K. Searey, Odessa, Texas (George Copland Archives)  

N11886    Serial Number 1256

08/27/32 washed out while registered in El Paso, Texas.  (George Copland Archives)

N11887    Serial Number 1257

12/01/31 washed out while registered to John Jaenicke in West Chicago, Illinois.  (George Copland Archives)  

N11888    Serial Number 1258

Yesterday’s Flyers, Reno, Nevada  

N11889   Serial Number 1259

03/09/39 deregistered while registered to Frank M. Cook, Concord, North Carolina  

N11890   Serial Number 1260

N11891    Serial Number 1261

N11892    Serial Number 1262

This is a photograph of NC11892 sent to me by Bruce Johnson of the Springfield Airport Commission. He found it during research for the 100th anniversary of the Hartness Municipal Airport in Springfield Vermont. The photograph came from the Cheshire County (New Hampshire) Historical Society collection. It was included in some scrapbook pages, but the page contained no information on the airplane. He was able to trace the logo on the hangar to a ticket stub that was issued by Colonial Air Transport Inc, a Division of American Airways Inc. He believes that although this photo was taken in front of Colonials hangar in either Boston or Newark, he has no information of any connection between the airplane and Colonial Airways.

I have no historical information on the airplane. If anyone can add to this story with information about this airplane, the Hartness Municipal Airport, or the Colonial Air Transport Inc., I would pass it along to Bruce to include in his research.

N11893    Serial Number 1263

Last registered October 1939

N11894  Serial Number 1264

N11895    Serial Number 1265

N11896    Serial Number 1266

Last Registered to JN Cole Rockport, Texas

Cancel Date 4/27/48

N11897    Serial Number 1267


N11898    Serial Number 1268

Last registered Sanderson, Texas Cancel     Date 01/01/1940

N11899    Serial Number 1269

Last registered to Rachel H. BartlettHaverhill, Massachusetts. Registration cance date 09/15/1934.

N12300   Serial Number 1270

Shipped to Mexico 10/07/22.  (George Copland Archives)  

N12301   Serial Number 1271

Owned by Spitfire Aviation Club, Madison, Wisconsin 06/15/41.  Engine serial number 1161.  On 01/01/39 it had Sampson engine and Model 1 skis.  (George Copland Archives) 

N12305   Serial Number 1272

All Aircraft

Last registered to Eugene Welch in North Dakota 03/30/48 (All information from George Copland Archives)